Metropolic IQ – sustainable solutions in your office – how to create a healthy space?

Metropolic IQ – sustainable solutions in your office – how to create a healthy space?

How to create a sustainable, client-friendly space, increase the salon’s profits and the loyalty of our guests (improving the environment in the salon translates into an increase in the salon’s profits and customer loyalty)

In recent decades, our lives have changed dramatically. We don’t realize that we spend up to 90% of our time in buildings every day! 90% of the time may seem like a lot, but if you work in the office for 8 hours a day and sleep 8 hours each night, that adds up to 67% of the time. By adding time for cooking, eating and socializing, we achieve 90% of the time in the day and it is not stretched. So the quality of the rooms we live in is incredibly important, and this statement is by no means an exaggeration.

According to Health, Wellbeing and Productivity in Offices research, good indoor air quality can increase our body’s efficiency by about 10%. Other studies show that the performance of school-age children
can improve by up to 13% if their classrooms have a good indoor climate. So getting some fresh air may not make you smarter, but it will help you reach your full potential.

Since most matters can be dealt with remotely today thanks to the Internet network connecting us all, it is increasingly difficult to interest the client and convince him to come to us physically and not just virtually.


Loosely translated, it can mean well-being. The basis is the integration of many aspects – sociological, emotional, spiritual and physical, which lead to increased potential to achieve good quality of life, effective work and increased activity in social life. Wellness is a mirror of how you experience life and your ability to function effectively.


Water constitutes about 75% of an adult’s body. It determines both our physical and mental state. Water is an ideal carrier of information, it determines our well-being, the quality of the treatments we receive and all activities related to water or interaction with other people.

Most of our metabolic processes are water-based. Disturbances in this area have a negative impact on the condition of the entire body. Advanced scientific knowledge shows that microwaves emitted by wireless and mobile phones can radically change the structure of our body.


Who doesn’t use a smart phone today? or even several? a cell phone heats the brain 200 times, exceeding all standards and leading to neuronal degeneration, and evolution has not yet managed to develop defense or threat signaling systems. Technology has advanced much further than the adaptive capacity of the human body. The problem is that we neither hear nor see all this “electrosmog” – if this were the case, we would be terrified by the number of all the emitted waves that overlap in even our closest space. Yet even the slightest change in DNA increases the risk of cancer.

The situation is no better with new cars, which are currently approx. 7 km of cables, navigation systems, screens in the headrests, heated seats and TVs – all this makes our body boil inside them. In 2007, research was carried out on human cells grown in the laboratory.

They were exposed to Wi-Fi radiation. After a two-hour exposure, 221 genes changed their expression, and after a six-hour exposure, 759 genes changed. Now imagine that we are exposed to Wi-Fi 24 hours a day. What’s more, we have smart meters, wireless landline phones, keyboards, mice, baby monitors, smartwatches – the microwave itself is just a small thing.

A simple experiment is enough to see the effects of microwave waves on the body. Watering any plant with water cooked in a microwave in just a few days will kill it. The same processes take place in our body – but at a slower pace, because the human body has not yet lost its phenomenal ability to regenerate and rebuild. A few years ago, the Russians conducted an experiment using second-generation mobile phones. They placed a raw egg between two phones of this type that were exchanging data with each other. After 15 minutes nothing happened, after 25 minutes the egg started to heat up significantly, after 45 minutes it was already hot, and after 65 minutes it was completely cooked. So if electromagnetic radiation can modify egg proteins, imagine what it does to the proteins in our brains.


The instructions for many new generation laptops and mobile phones tell you not to hold the equipment directly to your body. To conduct a telephone conversation safely, hold the phone approx. 2 meters from the head when using a speakerphone, headphones or similar accessories. But who among us reads the instructions?

So, before you buy a phone, ask the seller about the SAR (body absorption rate). You may be surprised, but it happens more and more often that a salon employee shows understanding and painstakingly prints lists with parameters from manufacturers. When talking, if you want to stay healthy, use a wired headset or a hand-held wireless earpiece that reduces electromagnetic radiation. Do not under any circumstances use a Bluetooth headset – by placing it in your ear, you create a receiving station from your head.

When you sleep, turn off your phone or at least data transfer and Wi-Fi – you don’t read notifications or emails while you sleep, and when you wake up, they will still be there. More and more research shows that blue light emitted from phones and tablets disrupts the sleep cycle, because it is the color corresponding to the morning circadian cycle, so instead of scrolling on the screen, it is better to read a book. Don’t put your phone under your pillow when you sleep. Limit children’s contact with the phone and never put the phone in the stroller to put the child to sleep. Don’t wear your phone over your heart or in your pants. If you work at a desk with a computer, buy a wired keyboard and mouse and move the equipment as far away from each other as possible – radiation decreases with the cube of the distance. Do not hold the computer on your legs or stomach. If your job requires sitting in front of a screen for many hours, buy special glasses with lenses that protect your eyeballs against electromagnetic radiation. These may not be cheap glasses, but they are certainly much more economical than an eyeball transplant or cancer treatment.


We rarely talk about indoor space pollution. However, studies have shown that due to chemicals, machinery, construction and finishing materials used in buildings, indoor air can be 2-50 times more polluted than outdoor air.

We consume a lot of air. We know that what we put into our systems affects our bodies, for good or bad. The visible trend emphasizes that we are more aware of the things we drink and eat. But do we ever think about how much air we use every day? The general rule is that every day we consume 1 kg of food, 3 kg of water and 30 kg of air.


The more synthetic materials in our environment, the worse it is for us. We must remember that a person without nature is like a fish without water. We often have no idea that the negative field in a bank generated by polyethylene reaches a level of 100,000 V/m, and objects made of polyethylene produce a field of 5,000 – 10,000 V/m.

Wood, glass, stone, concrete and metal make the place more people-friendly. We should at all costs avoid synthetic paints, floors or other materials finishing our offices or business spaces, because the seemingly low initial price ultimately leads to high health costs as well as reduced customer turnout because people naturally sense a favorable environment.


Light is a visible form of electromagnetic radiation surrounded by a spectrum – ultraviolet radiation with shorter wavelengths and infrared radiation with longer wavelengths. Current lighting codes and guidelines provide illuminance recommendations for various types of rooms, based on normal lighting requirements for typical indoor activities. These standards, created by technical groups such as the Enlightenment Engineering Society (IES), ensure good visual acuity in a variety of situations to avoid eye strain and minimize loss of productivity and eliminate headaches.

In addition to facilitating vision, light affects the human body in non-visual ways. Humans and animals have internal clocks that synchronize physiological functions on an approximately 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm.

The body responds to many circadian rhythms – external signals that align physiological functions according to the solar cycle. Light is the most important of these processes, determining the internal synchronization of biological clocks in a process known as circadian rhythm.


In every room we will find poisonous substances such as building materials, paints, adhesives, artificial fabrics and clothing. Volatile substances emitted by these plastics, such as formaldehyde, trichloroethene, benzene, xylenes and ammonia, cause, among others, headaches, irritation of the eyes, throat, respiratory tract and general deterioration of well-being. This topic has been researched by NASA for years. One of many studies presents plants that can very effectively clean the air of volatile toxins.

The authors recommend at least one plant per 10 m2 of surface. An additional advantage of having such plants is the natural air humidification. Especially in winter, when humidity drops to 20-30%, domestic fauna can significantly increase it.

Most plants come from tropical climates and have the ability to photosynthesize even with a small amount of light, so what we have indoors is enough. The selection of plants depends on the individual preferences of the designer or owner of the space. It is important to take care of your plants. Clean leaves absorb much more volatile substances than neglected ones.


Well Building Standard® is a certification system created by IWBI™ (International WELL Building Institute™). This is the first system that focuses exclusively on the health and well-being of building users.

The system is based on the assumption that a building has a significant impact on people – the physical environment in the building supports the health, productivity and well-being of users, which is supported by numerous scientific and medical studies analyzing this relationship. Certification confirms to building owners and employees that the way their spaces are designed promotes health and well-being.

As global titles say: sustainability is new normal – sustainable development is the new normal. And when a client who is aware of his actions wants to identify with our brand, we achieve real success.

Author- Agnieszka Pająk

Experienced health coach, creator, and editor of the popular portal. An expert in sustainable green technologies, a member of the Emirates Green Building Council and the International WELL Airport Advisory Board in New York. 

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