People use an increasing number of technical devices powered by electricity. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields (EM), which overlap creating electromagnetic smog. At the same time, our bodies have not produced any kind of natural defenses. Being constantly under the influence of waves, we expose ourselves to the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog, such as: pain, metabolic disorders, general weakness and reduced immunity.
The VITA Tronic Harmonizer is a device tested by the IIREC- International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility, based in Austria. VITA Tronic causes complete equalization of the spatial field and protects against electrosmog.
To order a harmonizer, please contact us.
Available models
VITA Tronic
• works within a radius of 50 meters
• available in various colors
• reduces the negative effects of geopathic radiation
• eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic smog
• operates within a radius of 1 kilometer
• perfect for office spaces
• reduces the negative effects of geopathic radiation
• eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic smog
• operates within a radius of 1 kilometer
• perfect for office spaces
• reduces the negative effects of geopathic radiation
• eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic smog
• perfect for cars and machines
• increases the comfort of travel
• reduces fatigue
• eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic smog
• works within a radius of 50 meters
• reduces the negative effects of geopathic radiation
• eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic smog
Benefits of using VITA Tronic harmonizing device
- neutralization of geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog
- change of air ionization
- greater efficiency of air conditioning
- elimination of chronic fatigue
- reducing aggression and irritation
- better concentration and greater work efficiency
- healthy sleep and relaxation
- improvement of the quality of life and health
- rejuvenated immune system
- Increasing immunity
- feeling of harmony in the room
VITA Tronic can also be used for the daily regeneration of the body.
By standing or sitting (5-10 minutes) over the device, you trigger the flow of energy throughout the body. As a result, you restore the natural frequencies of all your cells, activate the metabolism, reduce tension and remove blockages. Every day you can improve the functioning of all organs, leading to a state of homeostasis.
The research carried out by the Austrian researcher Dr. Walter Medinger confirmed the power of the VITA Tronic device. Where a harmonizer was used, measurements showed that the spatial structure of the magnetic field was more balanced. Disturbance zones have been mitigated or completely neutralized, which proves the effectiveness of the solution.
Benefits for your business
“After turning on the VITA Tronic device in an old villa, after 24 hours, a change in air ionization was noted. We also noted the waterlogged walls started drying. After 48 hours, the unpleasant smell was completely eliminated and the walls became dry in touch. […] You could also feel the significantly increased air ionization not only at level 0 but also on the other floors of the building.”
Proharmonia Wellness Resort
“When using VITA Tronic in SPA rooms, we observed: change in air ionization, better air-conditioning effects, harmony, and freshness in the room. The smell of natural oils, candles, and dried flowers is very pleasant and strong. ”
The VITA Tronic device meets the requirements as a reliable system to improve electromagnetic compatibility through spatial equalization of the magnetic field, in the biological range of the cell nucleus 0-10 Hz, within a radius of 50 m. The devices are covered by a 7-year warranty.
VITA Tronic is made of high-quality ceramics with the high silicon content. The device is hand-made in Austria, where it was also patented and tested, meeting quality standards. To order a product, please contact us. VITA Tronic is available in several shades as shown below. Each model has a flower of life – it can be made in gold or silver. In the message, please provide the selected model and colors.