Living water means a better quality of life

The time has come when promoting health, regenerating the body, learning how to care for the body, mind and spirit has become not only fashionable, but even a necessity. Never before has there been such a great need to improve well-being and comfort of life as there is now…

Intensive work, increasing pace of life, stress, lack of exercise, improper breathing, increasing amount of exhaust fumes, electromagnetic smog, noise must be balanced by conscious, effective relaxation and rest.

The increasing isolation from the natural environment, the low amount of water we drink, and improper nutrition are taking a toll on our well-being and, in time, on our health.

Research over the past 20-odd years in quantum physics and biology unequivocally proves that everything in the universe is constantly vibrating. In nature, there is constant communication through vibrations, and assimilation in the body takes place not only at the chemical level, but also at the electromagnetic level. According to scientists, the human body performs 570 trillion vibrations per second; with no part of our body at the elementary particle level (quantum level), functioning independently. Transformations in the body occur so quickly that we end up replacing more than 90% of all matter in a year. Therefore, health and well-being are maintained through a continuous renewal process. Anything that interferes with this leads to the systematic destruction of cells, i.e. premature aging and increasing disease. Recent studies confirm that the more toxins we have in the body, the more difficult the exchange of information, the worse the transport of nutrients and the slower the renewal of cells.

Only 25-30% of the human body is solid matter, 70-75% is water, which is the best carrier of information between cells. Health depends on the harmonious course of energy in the body, but the circulation of energy itself depends, among other things, on the quantity and quality of water drunk.

As science has developed, water has been stripped of its aura of mystery, ancient rituals have ended, grandmothers telling tales of magical springs have disappeared, grandfather frost painting the windows has been lost. Keeping an eye on the textbooks to make sure that there is little scientific wording, with development and progress we have reduced water to the level of a substance that can be treated instrumentally.

The 20th century was primarily devoted to the study of water chemistry. We leave school with the belief that water is the most ordinary substance, a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom with the simple chemical formula H2O.

Over the years, specialists perceiving it this way began to artificially fix it, chemically and mechanically purifying it. As a result, we mostly consume low-quality, chemically treated and energy-dead water in developed countries.

Our ancestors, did not have the precise apparatus, computers, knowledge we have today, but intuitively appreciating the role of water, they stored it in magnificent egg-shaped jugs, vases, amphorae made of the noblest bullion and pottery with high silicon content. We mostly have plastic, paper, styrofoam, metal containers…….

Over time, the channelization and confinement of water in ordinary iron, steel, synthetic pipes stretching for miles in a straight line has disrupted its natural structure and restricted air access. A study at the University of Vienna proved that today, under pressure in the pipes, 98% of all households have energy dead water. The informational structures of water are destroyed, while the oxygen content is lower than in the natural environment.

Nowadays, the water in the water supply network is hygienically clean thanks to constant sanitary control, but this does not mean it is healthy at all. Water companies secure for us the supply of drinking water, in which the content of toxins most often does not exceed the legal limits. However, this is no guarantee for maintaining health and well-being.

Boiling water has long been insufficient, purification devices are necessary, such as good carbon-ceramic filters, osmotic filters, distillers, etc. Water purified in this way is most often clean but… dead. Scientific experiments have shown that chemically polluted water, after purification, still emits electromagnetic waves with wavelengths characteristic of the substances removed. Then there is no chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum, etc. in the water, but the inappropriate vibrations still remain. Unfortunately, removing mechanical and chemical impurities from water is not enough – it is necessary to restore the proper electromagnetic information it has in nature.

“Natural water” with its original structure is the kind we find in glaciers, pristine rivers, clear lakes. In the natural environment, water, is affected by the Earth’s magnetic field, the sun’s rays, the moon’s rays, flows through different types of rocks, dances with the wind, ripples, foams, falls into eddies, cascades down.

Constant movement and all other factors affect its renewal. At that time, water carries enormous amounts of energy and information, which it transmits to all living organisms.

Publications by a number of scientists from the late 20th century show that water that is energy-deprived or energy-poor does not exhibit any ordered structures. On the other hand, energy-value water has a crystalline structure known as a “water-value”. hexagonal. When frozen, it forms beautiful crystals (always on the basis of a hexagon), which, undergoing vertical compaction, build characteristic groupings that resemble quartz crystals in arrangement. As Masaru Emoto has proven, freezing tap water at its current load generally does not restore its original structure.

Experiments have shown that the wrong information stored in water can be erased.

Without abandoning civilization, we can quickly and efficiently restore lost energy to water with the well-known Austrian AQUA VITA life device, which has been in use for seven years.

AQUA VITA life, using the sophisticated laws of nature, transmits the right information to the water, thus restoring its original structure. Water from the water supply network – purified and then vitalized, changes, regaining the properties of spring water.

The use of AQUA VITA life increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, intensifies the reduction processes, favorably changes the value of the pH coefficient. More than that, it reduces the use of detergents and chemicals, eliminates calcium deposits and rust lingering in pipes. Beneficially affects the quality of air conditioning, removes unpleasant odors without allowing any odor.

Many years of research show that vitalizing water in swimming pools 50-70% accelerates its purification, improves oxygen transport, eliminates anaerobic metabolism, facilitates decomposition of organic matter and intensifies mineralization processes. Effectively reduces the aggressiveness of chlorine, does not allow the growth of bacteria, algae and fungi.

“Revitalized water” in any body increases the flow of energy and nutrients, oxygenates cells, improves acid-base balance, and accelerates the removal of toxins.

“Energetically correct, structurally ordered water carries enormous amounts of energy and information, which it transmits to all living organisms. It fulfills a very beneficial though still unacknowledged and underestimated role in the functioning of the environment. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine modern sports, wellness, spa or aesthetic medicine centers without such water.

SPA of the 21st century is not only health through water, it is also a complex of perfectly synchronized treatments, which after a few days can completely change our mood, restoring inner peace and vital energy.

In order to achieve such a state, even the best program is not enough, when dead, energy-deprived or energy-poor water flows from the tap, and cell phone masts are mounted on roofs, for example.

Author: Dr. Grazyna Pajak

Biologist, master of natural therapies, nutritionist and researcher at ZBW P.A.N. For twenty-five years he has been involved in the study of water, its structure, renaturation and environmental impact.

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